The Lees New Album

Jan 01 2010

Right now, we are finishing off our brand new album, produced by none other than Mr Roger Corbett (musical genius) of the Bushwackers. We are quite proud of this album and it will be released later this year. We will be starting pre-orders very soon for everyone on our mailing list so keep your eyes peeled for lee updates!

Our tour dates are a bit slim at the moment as we have been busy not only with the album but lots of other adventures! Steve and Jarod just got back from 3 weeks in Africa, Tracey and Savannah took part in City to Surf and Sav and Raechel have been sleeping and working (you figure out who does what)..

Thanks to all the people who replied to my message about picking up your free stuff, we appreciate all the support we get from out fans and friends!

We’re playing at the Ben Hall Festival in Forbes in October which we have never played at before so we’re looking for to seeing a few of you there!

Til next time,

The Lees xo